Academic Support
Academic support is intended to increase a student’s academic achievement.
Components of academic support include organization, planning, and time management to help students complete assignments and develop strategies to use within and beyond the classroom. The techniques learned here are the life skills they will take with them into college and beyond to be successful and confident. Our approach is two-fold:
- Student’s needs evolve as they progress in school; we not only provide the necessary support at the time, but through our team, we can support students over the long term as their needs evolve
- We work with our students to accelerate their academic success by driving motivation, providing individualized attention, and building life skills.
To achieve this, we use a combination of research-based programs focused on skill building while simultaneously working on supporting skills, such as motivation, organization, and beyond.

Examples of the programs we use are below:

Wilson Language Training (Wilson Language Training Corporation) is a multi-sensory, research-based reading and spelling program. While the program was developed for dyslexic learnings, it is now used successfully across all learning profiles. Many of our tutors have extensive training in the Wilson programs.

Making Math Real (Making Math Real Institute: Math Help for Parents & Teachers) offers an innovative, multisensory structured mathematics program. Instruction activates all three processing modalities – visual, auditory, and touch/motor, at the same time. Receiving the same information on all three modalities maximizes successful processing and development for students.

Step Up to Writing (Step Up to Writing – Research-Based Writing Program (K–12)) is a systematic, multi-sensory approach to teaching writing. The program establishes a common writing approach that carries through high school and accommodates struggling learners through gifted students.
Get Started
Reach out to us today to learn more about our tutoring services and see how we can help your student change their path